South-East Regional Bar Mock Trial Competition - Latest News - ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ



South-East Regional Bar Mock Trial Competition

South-East Regional Bar Mock Trial Competition at Hertfordshire University Saturday 7th December

Eleven Sixth formers represented the school in the prestigious Young Citizens' Bar Mock Trial Competition, held all day on Saturday 7th December. They had to get up early and drive through the wind and rain to compete as barristers, witnesses, jurors, court clerks and ushers in three full trials. Our barristers, Dotty, Nikita, Ali, Lahari, Tiana, Maddie and Scarlett were all really well-prepared and impressive. They led their cases involving a suspect accused of using drugs for enhancing performance in sport and another involved in committing actual bodily harm. William was an excellent court clerk. Pippa, Alanna and Ameera all performed their different roles with professionalism. The team competed against other schools from across the South-East and took part in a Q&A session with five practising barristers. The whole experience gave them a really important insight into the workings of the justice system and what it might be like to work as a lawyer.


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