Fantastic turnout at Medicine and Healthcare Careers Fair !
There was a fantastic turnout at the Medicine and Healthcare Careers Fair which was held in the Barbirolli Hall on Tuesday 13 November from 7-9 pm. Over 30 exhibitors attended the fair, giving students a fantastic opportunity to speak to a wide range of medical professionals, and find out about a huge range of jobs and career routes in this field.
The event was open to all students from Years 7 to 13, and Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) members of staff Mrs Payne and Mrs Ritchie were delighted to see so many students and parents from both SCD and other schools attend this event. This included students attending schools that are members of the Herts & Bucks Teaching School Alliance.
Many thanks to all of the exhibitors who gave up their time from their very busy schedules to take part in this event. (Please see list below)
Thanks also to members of the Parents’ Association who sold refreshments at the event, and provided welcome sustenance!
Representatives from the following professions and organisations were present:
Glaxo Smith Kline
GE Healthcare
Herts and Bucks Community NHS Trust
University of Hertfordshire