Students are highly commended in annual NHS Schools' Competition
Earlier this term, all students in Year 9 entered the annual NHS Competition. They were asked to produce a job description and advertisement for a role in the NHS. They used an IT lesson to complete a personality quiz and research all the careers available on the NHS website. In tutor time and Personal Development sessions they created job adverts for their chosen career. This year there were over 3,500 entries from all over the country.
We were delighted that 11 of our students across four tutor groups were awarded Highly Commended certificates.
Huge congratulations to the following who chose to research into these careers:
9A Josh Beesening, Kai Tyrer - drama therapist
9C Lucy Skelhorn, Asher Rose, Elysia Ayling - paramedic
9L Lexia Manson- Bishop, Sophie Marston, Sia Thaker - midwife
9S Noor Ashgar, Ellie Morgan, Frankie Shires - paediatrician
Please follow the link below to find out more about the competition;