2018-19 Prefect Team Announced
The eagerly awaited announcement of the new prefect team for 2018-19 was made today in assembly. Miss Ryan, Director of Sixth Form, began by paying tribute to the outgoing team of Mia O'Connell (Head Girl), Matthew Leveridge (Head Boy), Lorena Manfredi (Deputy Head Girl) and Samuel Quaye (Deputy Head Boy) and other lead prefects. She praised them for the exemplary way in which they and the rest of the prefect team had gone about their high profile jobs in the past year.
All the prefects were then introduced to the student body and congratulated on stage by Mr Sutherland. As ever, there was particular interest in the top eight positions. Congratulations go to all the prefects, but special mention should go to the following 8 students who, following hustings earlier this month and an election, were appointed to leadership roles as follows:
Head Girl: Florence McGrath
Head Boy: Maxwell Duncan
Deputy Head Girl: Sasha Chimbumu
Deputy Head Boy: Jonathan Driver
Lead Charities Prefect: Josie Illingworth-Law
Sixth Form Council Prefect: James Peppin
Sixth Form Council Prefect: Pippa Matthews
Lead House Prefect: Praharsh Mehta
Photographed below are the outgoing Senior Prefect Team alongside the newly elected students.